Did you get my invitation back to school? RSVP below with your name and why you're excited to come back to school!
Today, we read Christmas Humbugs, a rhyming story. WRITE A POEM about what your winter break is going to be like. It doesn't have to rhyme if you don't want it to. Here's mine:
I really cannot wait
for winter break this year,
I get to be with family 
and give gifts full of cheer.
I love reading books
while I sit by the fire,
and I like waking up
whenever I desire!
Having a week off
is really such a joy!
It gives some relaxation
for every girl and boy!
I hope you have a great break,
whatever you may do!
I will see you all again
 for school on January 2!

I just finished the last test of my college career! What college do you want to go to? Do research if you need to.  Why did you choose this school? Why do you want to go to college? Why is college important to you? What will college be like?

Remember when we helped Primary Children's hospital?

It felt great to give presents and help others.  We want our classroom to start another project for the month of December, but what should we do?

How can we make the world a better place?

PROVlDE AN lDEA of something that we could do to help our SCHOOL or our COMMUNITY. There are people all around us that need food, clothing and love. We could also do something to clean up a park, or play area around our school.  What do you SEE that our class might be able to fix?

Also, comment on AT LEAST TWO other people's blogs and respond to their ideas of helping the community.