Chris Ventura
10/22/2012 08:20:29 am

Well I love my sister Tere she used to smoke like a year ago but she stopped very recently. Using drugs would affect me BIG TIME!!!!!! First of all because I love to play sports like Football, Basketball, Baseball and using drugs wouod slow me down. Drugs would make my life more difficult because I would hate people i would be more lazy

10/22/2012 08:40:26 am

Well the only person i care about is my dad.Because he works so hard to get his pay check for our family that he said that he smoke when he was like 20 or 21. I was like mad that he told me that no one ever smoke or do drugs in his whole life before.If i do drugs he might not know me (but he"ll know me like stuff but wont love me as a son) but when my dad smoke he quit that he"ll get cancer get holes or die. that's why no one will do drugs ever

Desiree milo
10/22/2012 08:42:16 am

It will affect my relationship with my family and friends. It can also affect my life by not being able to understand others. It would make my life difficult by ruining my future. It will also affect my life by not being able to prepare for my future. Also if I were to be on these drugs my family won't be able to trust nor depend on me. Also I want to set a good example for the younger generation.

ashlynn butler
10/22/2012 08:45:24 am

If you take drugs they will ruin your life and you wont be able to do what you wanted to do in your life. you cant have a nice job. my parents toulk drugs and it got me and my little sisster and brother toulken away that all hapened becouse of drugs. drugs should be stoped i say NO DRUGS!!!!!!!

oscar lopez
10/22/2012 09:16:36 am

It would be hard to quit smoking becuse my uncle died from smoking and that was a very sad moment for my perent's and if i smoked in high school i would not be able to play sports or in collage and forever i'll be DRUG FREE?????????????????????????

10/22/2012 09:29:26 am

It would be so hard if my sister or brother did drugs. Using drugs would affect my life allot I wouldn't be swimming any more. Drugs make it hard to work in school. I wont take drugs because I'm not stupid!

10/22/2012 09:35:52 am

my family
using drungs would ruin your life like a example your teeth,health,bones

how would drugs make your life difficult? how it would
it would make you addicted to it and hard for your family

Joel (Noel)
10/22/2012 09:45:21 am

First of all drugs are not just bad they're THE WORST THING YOU COULD DO TO YOUR BODY. So let's continue, Drugs would affect my life by not being able to play sports, and it would make a lot of my family members disappointed in me. And using drugs would make things difficult by having bad teeth and not having a functioning brain, so if you do drugs you are pretty much throwing your life away.

10/23/2012 08:33:48 am

Your new name Joel (Noel)

Jayce Dorcheus
10/22/2012 09:46:34 am

I really care about my family and drugs would destroy my life and my family's lives too.My 20 year old cousin died last year because of drugs and it really affected my life.

10/22/2012 09:57:09 am

Drugs are very harmful on your body. It not only affects you but it affects the people around you that care for you my great grandpa died because of smoking. It was a very hard for our family. He held me only a couple of times before he past away. I will never take drugs!

Danny Do
10/22/2012 10:22:00 am

Drugs will effect your dreams.Drugs can definitely KILL YOU!Drugs make your teeth look gruesomely disgusting!Drugs can effect your body.Drugs can make people don't like you.Drugs are not cool.Drugs can make you even more stressed.Drugs can make you be not an athlete.So those are my good reasons why drugs are bad for your life.

10/22/2012 10:26:10 am

good job.

Danny Do
10/22/2012 02:45:55 pm

Thanks bro.

Jace Q
10/22/2012 11:43:13 am

Drugs are a terrible thing to do. How would they affect my life, I like to play sports and if I did use drugs I would never be able to play again. It would make life impossible for me.

Adriana Vialpando
10/22/2012 11:52:33 am

The person that keeps me going is my little sister Jaycee i cant imagine not being in her life , and using that nasty stuff will definetly change my life with her i might not be able to watch her grow or see that bright smile on her face when its her birthday or chrismas anything like that it would make it very difficult to step inside my home i would be so embarrassed with myself.

10/22/2012 11:59:40 am

i think drugs are so bad because it makes it hard to breath and IT COULD KILL U that's why it's hard for you.I care about my family so i told them not to SMOKE....

10/22/2012 01:15:08 pm

It would hurt me if someone in my family took drugs because I want my family to stay drug free and I don't want my someone in my family to get cancer or something alse so I think my family will always stay drug free!

10/22/2012 01:32:44 pm

I care about my grandma because she smokes and i dont want anything to happen to her.And drugs are bad for you and can cause death.The things you do if someone offers you drugs first you SAY NO!! OR LEAVE IT THERE. THEN YOU GET AWAY. AND LAST YOU TELL A HELPER PERSON ASAP.

10/23/2012 12:28:34 am

My grandma died in 2009 and it really effected my life and I couldn't play in the NFL if I took drugs

10/23/2012 12:58:57 am

All of us should stay really really really stay away from drugs . should really really really sendall the drugs in a blackhole.

10/23/2012 01:07:43 am

I think drugs can affect you really bad because it does bad to your whole body. I dont have anybody in my family whos been affected by drugs. Wich for me is really good!

10/23/2012 01:13:47 am

drugs can affect you brain,throat and many other parts of your body.Drugs can make you die and talk weird and bad yellow teethe o.o My dad smokes,I told him to stop smoking,He never did.

10/23/2012 01:33:11 am

if you do drugs it ruins youre life its addicting but it is possible to stop its just really hard but if you dont do them then you wont ever have to quit so just dont ever do drugs and you will be just fine DO NOT DO DRUGS

katheryn rodriguez
10/23/2012 01:39:59 am

some people in my family smoke like my aunts mostly my aunts they know smoking can KILL YOU!!!!! i wonder why people choose to smoke.

10/23/2012 06:42:03 am

Doing drugs will ruin your life real bad.Know one will like you becouse you do drugs. If you we`r a kid and you were going to dream of somthing that you want to be but when you get older and do drugs your dreams are gone.

10/23/2012 07:25:14 am

My mom used druga like smoking then she stoped like two years ago. Drugs would efect my life because they are bad for you they can eat your teath and gumes it efects your body and lungs too.Using drugs would kill you and your brans sails it would be a tragic deth?????????????????????????????????????

kaylie :P
10/24/2012 09:09:03 am

I love my family very much, and if one of them did drugs it would make me very... sad to see them ruining their life. I will never do drugs because I know what it does to your body. Using drugs will ruin your dreams and it is VERY hard to start over to were people can trust you again.


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